July 22, 2013

Of Attractions

The attraction was instant; the fascination magical. Enter a moment of rare decision. You vacillated whether to stop in your tracks or not. A decision that soon changed your world. Your love world.
She looked exactly the way you’d always dreamt of your dream girl. Even her earrings looked like your dream girls’. They were pearl. Pearl earrings speak to you in magical languages.
You couldn’t resist the magic. You approached with your best gait and smile. She was on her way to school for her graduation ceremony. You were on your way to work.
You had left home late that morning. It was one of those days you woke up so tired and felt like damning the world. You were lucky. Your boss wasn’t around and you didn’t have much to do that day.
A fictitious name, a right number and a month later, you were seated in her mum’s apartment staring at her in admiration. She was as amazing as you remembered. Pearl earrings again. This must be a sign. You are not superstitious or anything like that but your mind couldn’t but wonder.
That thing they say about you knowing if you’d date a woman immediately you meet her didn’t work. You only spoke to her for two minutes on the day you met her. This second time, the aphorism seems to be working like one of those local tiiro charm some baba alawo would make. You were in soup. And you knew it. Literally.
First date. Disaster. You had to leave in her in the cinema in the middle of a movie. You had to run back to school to see your project supervisor. That was what you told her. But you ran back to see a female friend who needed help and then your supervisor in that order of importance. She doesn’t know this.
First fight. Further disaster. She didn’t talk to you for three days. You had wronged her and you deserved it. She had read an implicating text message on your phone. You begged and apologized till she forgave you. That’s one thing you didn’t find hard doing. Saying sorry when you are wrong. And sometimes when you are not wrong. What do they call that again?? Maturity?? No??
In fact, you quietly agree that you deserve whatever she does to you for you are notorious in wronging her. For you know you are full of yourself and she still stuck with you.
***This is dedicated to the women who stand by their men through thick and thin. They are the “patient” ones who truly make the world go round***
Ps 1. The other day, I met an old female friend at Whitehouse, Yaba. After exchanging pleasantries, she not-so-pleasantly told me about reading my “rants” on foye’s blog. She didn’t like the blog, I concluded. Lol.
Ps 2. It was with intense interest I read the various debates on the ongoing burning issue of #ChildNotBride over the weekend. And it seems like the country is divided along cultural lines on this issue. For me, this is a reflection of all the things that is wrong with the Nigerian society. Let’s hope all the signed petitions against it will have an impact. You can sign one here


Anonymous said...

Awwww!nce write up buh u cud ve included d galz name nw or dedicate 2 er alone instead of generalizing it.

Unknown said...

Interesting piece!