March 21, 2011


Memories!!!! Often profound, sacred, organic and often an intrinsically cryptic element of human existence usually bordered by mythical mystique in an expedient appreciation of its quintessence. It’s often a strong impression held onto with a cynical point of reckon for fear of its never ephemeral, infinitesimal and indelible impact on the possessor’s essence. Its one element that makes the mind active however subtly, providing ballast for its expansion, exploration and rationalities but often pushed to the dark recess of the human conception where it’s either inaccessible or downright unusable. The mind of the overcritical was drawn into a paroxysm of delight in the form of episodic jabs of mercurial memories of not so distant yesteryears of childhood. The overcritical mind surmised that it’s unlikely that we are as happy as the children we used to be neither is it likely that we are half as unfeigned and unfettered as the children we were and may want to be in the present scheme of the world. Henry David Thoreau had posited that “Our life is frittered away by detail. Simplify, simplify.” Too many details in our present lives often mar our school of memories.
Recent travel through some of the spots that molded the overcritical didn’t make the episodic jabs of memories any subtle. The mind was lured and drawn into reliving the indelible memories of the past in a way only the mind could accede to. The overcritical being had stumbled upon his old university clique while on a journey through the rather emblematic Obafemi Awolowo “Great Ife” University. He wonders how the name “Great Ife” came to be and if it still holds in the present day. Often associated with incessant strike actions that saw the overcritical spend almost eight years within its walls for a seeming five year course does not sound great at least not anymore. However, he couldn’t but allude to the pride of being an OAU student back in the days no matter the encumbrance of its lethargic system. Of late, the “Great” university has embarked on another strike action throwing its students out its golden gate to the intellectually empty streets of Nigeria. The overcritical being had not seen his university clique for some three and half years and acquiesced to their inexorable sanctions. The overcritical mind couldn’t but marvel at how times could transform people in ways not diminutive and yet seem same. A paradoxical happenstance maybe. Amongst this group, the overcritical person was the same as he used to be yet he knew he wasn’t and his clique of friends seemed the same to him yet he reckoned that they were not. Amongst them, he was the same old fallible him and he couldn’t be otherwise. A fallacy of time and place, the overcritical mind observably muttered under a heavy sigh. Living in some old memories could be disastrous. Yet we are often drawn into its consequential after effect.
The overcritical mind could not but observe the purview of cataclysmic order of events in the present day world. Many words have been splashed over the surfaces of every readable print material with every writer propounding his own theory or hypothesis over the verities. Even a seemingly average mind had something to vent his knowledge on. The overcritical mind had resisted the temptation of an expected, probably typical discourse over the present revolution conundrum, ominous earthquake in Japan and its accompanying tsunami but couldn’t fight off the recent temptation to write a few words. The Jasmine revolution has been an exceptional one, shocking to most people in terms of its origin and originality but yet not exactly shocking to the overcritical mind together with its aftermath of the ousting of despicable and mendacious leaders. It has been long deserved. Libya will follow no matter how long Moumar Gaddhafi continues to hold on to the already isolated reins of power in his ‘beloved’ country. The overcritical mind couldn’t but posit the absolute absurdity in the present order of the world but couldn’t agree to the perspective of a probable end of the world as may have been opined. The overcritical mind posits the wave of the revolution as a seeming wind of change blowing across the Islamic countries but which will soon find its way to other deserving climes. Nigeria not been an exception. The mind quickly dwells on the impact the Jasmine revolution could have on the rather continuous and knotty conflict in the Israeli – Palestine region. Less has been heard of it in recent times. Let’s hope it stays so.
These days, the overcritical could hardly tell between males or females not because he suddenly became blind or imperceptive to the sense of sight. Nor is it because he decided not to be able to tell as it is often possible for one to choose what he sees intentionally or unintentionally. The mind has a way of playing such inane pranks on its possessor. However, it is because of the continuously blurry division and distinction between males and females. These days, males are tending more towards females, feminine looks and feminine demeanours while the females are either drifting to an almost unspeakable depth of loss with human reality or they are just downright confused. The overcritical was ensconced into the confusion such inability to distinguish could bring about in a recent situation. The overcritical had gone to a familiar restaurant to fill up his already whining tummy when he happened on three beautiful ladies accompanied by a tall dark hefty guy. He had instantly been drawn to the one with an almost natural look – placid look, beautifully plaited hair do, stud earrings, no danglings. The overcritical noticed she was talking more to a particular girl – the first thought was homosexuality - while the hefty one was talking to the other. On a closer scrutiny, she was a guy and they were two couples having lunch not three girls and a hefty guy. The overcritical had been embarrassed. The overcritical mind does not attempt to impinge on the human freedom of expression for by it we are humans. However, the overcritical mind couldn’t but wonder and imagine a picture of the world with all males looking extremely feminine. Maybe then, the world would cease being a man’s world. No chauvinism intended.
Thank you.